Illustrated by Carl Huebsch |
I am Cobus Smit and this is my blog. I hope to make it an open and easy environment where you can find info on how to succeed in your endeavours as a postgrad student. I will share show tips, tricks and experiences from my own postgrad journey.
My Research
I am busy with a PhD in Wine Biotechnology at the Institute for Wine Biotechnology (IWBT), Stellenbosch University. My research project focusses on the secondary metabolic processes of grapevine flowers, specifically the genetic and biosynthesis aspects. The main focus of the study involves isolating and characterising genes of interest using various heterologous expression platform. A secondary focus is the analytical profiling of plant volatile emissions from grapevine.
Shoutout to my brother Carl for the awesome profile pic. Go follow him on Instagram @carlhuebsch for some great illustrations!